The word thumbs up for the cheer up condition.
When we people there to look after the work done by the particular people with challenge .
When we say thumbs up then we are ready to face the game.
The word thumbs up for the cheer up condition.
When we people there to look after the work done by the particular people with challenge .
When we say thumbs up then we are ready to face the game.
The migration is the one which the [people move from one place to another place.
When the birds will be do this migration in search of another place and went to the other forest.
Though people do this migration in the search of good food and shelter.
The word suffocate denotes the false air ,or to be in continue '
There can be any kind of obstructions.
Whenever there comes the closing of the project, there will be a new one to get start.
The thrive is to make ourself first ,nothing but grow ourself.
It is very vey important that we have to develop ourself very perfectly.
We have to achieve our goal with all our thrive of our whole strength.
One day we will achieve our goal.
The defy is the one where we can able to challenge ourself.
When there will be of our work ongoing process we can able to challenge ourself.
When we believe in ourself we will make a challenge to ourself, nothing but ourself .
The embodiment is the term which it makes our view with our hope in general.
When there is the embodiment with our hope together with all our believe we will achieve every thing.
No one can destroy our embodiment ,nothing but our hope.
The transformation is the one which is done to make a change within us.
To empower the knowledge by ourself we want to transform ourself to the great extend.
It is our right choice to show our strength during this transformation.
THE FAILURE IS ONE OF THE WAY TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS When the student getting fail marks in their exams , it will make...